OLW *Balance*
What I dream of is an art of BALANCE , of purity and serenity...a soothing calming influence on the mind...rather like a good armchair which provides relaxation from physical fatigue. These are the words of Henry Matisse -- great artist -- creative genius...and he confessed to struggling to find balance in his art. My life is a continual struggle for balance...in my art, my profession, my relationships, my time and emotions. I believe the only source for true balance is to put God absolutely first on the list -- and let HIM set the percentages for everything else. If I am tuned in to Him...my life has purity and serenity...He is my source of balance and soothing calming influence...Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are weary and weighed down with heavy burdens and I will give you rest." Ahhh -- now that feels like a good armchair.