Faux Wax Seal

This is another fun "faux" technique.
To create this faux wax seal I used embossing ink, UTEE (ultra thick embossing enamel) powder, heat gun, small piece of chipboard, Perfect Pearls, a bit of acrylic paint or some alcohol ink -- and finally a rubber stamp or wax stamp. It is also helpful to have a pair of tweezers
Begin by cutting a circle out of chipboard slightly smaller than the size you want your finished "seal" to be and covering with a good coat of embossing ink....and sprinkling UTEE powder to cover. Sprinkle a mound of UTEE powder on a scrap piece of paper for dipping. Melt the powder with your heat gun (holding it with tweezers) and then immediately dip the chipboard in the little mound of powder while it is still warm...and then melt that layer as well.
Continue this process -- along with sprinkling a bit of Perfect Pearls onto the top dipped chipboard in between meltings. Let the UTEE melt over the sides. When you get a thickness that resembles a wax seal, use a small rubber stamp or wax stamp to create an impression in your melted UTEE (do this immediately after your last melting). Leave the stamp in place for a couple of minutes and let the UTEE cool...then remove the stamp. You can highlight the impression by brushing across it with a dry brush of metalic paint...or use alcohol inks to stain it the color that you would like.
When I am doing this -- I make several faux wax impressions and keep them for future projects.
Would love to see any projects that you are creating...so please link me to them in the comment section.
We finished up the first round of speeches this semester today...and I have to say that I am impressed with this group of students. These were some of the most creative speeches I have heard...and I am sure they will only get better as the semester goes on. I feel so blessed to get to work with these University students...they sure keep me on my toes -- but I get to the end of each class and feel like we are making progress...and hopefully are helping prepare them to accomplish great things in their futures.
And thanks again!