Illuminated Journaling: See and Remember

 See and Remember: Imagery is a powerful memory and study tool. Even before we master reading and writing, we draw. Images have the ability to transport us back to a moment in time and remind us of the details of that moment like it happened yesterday. It brings the past into the present. It brings a spiritual lesson to the forefront of our memory and refreshes our mind and our heart.

In the scriptures, God often used things we would SEE as a sign to REMEMBER the things that He has done. In Genesis, He used the rainbow to remind us that He had made a covenant that “never again would all flesh be wiped off the face of the earth by flood.” In Joshua, He had the Israelites take 12 stones from the dry riverbed of the Jordan and stack them up so that “When your children ask, ‘What do these stones mean to You?’ Tell them, ‘They are a memorial to what the Lord has done.’”

Something really remarkable happens when we engage imagery with our time in the Word. When we take the time to express what we have learned in a tangible way, with words and images, it is like the flash of the camera casting illumination on the subject and recording that moment in time in a way that insures our ability to return to that truth time and again.

See and Remember...this idea occurs over and over again in scripture...God providing a tangible reminder of a spiritual truth.

This page blends all of these thoughts together...I loved the vintage "flash" camera (I'm a bit "vintage" myself) and I loved that everything was monochromatic except for the one photo of the rainbow. This one has been running around in my head for a few weeks now - and I have to say that as I saw it coming together - it moved me more than what I had imagined. God is so good to me like that!

Here is a photo of this "in process" - it felt a bit chaotic and I wasn't at all sure that I was liking the results...but I just kept on going...even in art, we don't have to have it ALL figured out to begin...I'm really glad I kept going - as this particular journaling page has touched me in a profound way...and I have had some truly delightful moments of discussion with my Heavenly Father about just how AWESOME He is - and how wonderfully He meets with us in the most unexpected moments and ways!

I hope you will try to "keep going" on something this week that you find yourself wanting to give up on...and I pray that you are delightfully surprised with the results! Blessings!

Supplies: Watercolor, Colored Pencils/Gamsol, Micron Pen, White guache


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Eve! I appreciate your encouragement! Blessings! Have a terrific weekend!


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