Illuminated Journaling: It's Friday...But Sunday's Coming

When I think what happened to my sweet Savior on that first Good Friday, I almost stop breathing.

It was beyond horrific!

As excruciating as the physical pain was that came as a result of His scourging, dragging His cross through the streets of Jerusalem lined with jeering crowds, being nailed to the cross and raised up so that his weight pulled at the spikes that held His body on the cross -- all of that paled in comparison to the pain He felt when He chose to take on the sins of the world...MY SIN - and in doing so caused Himself to be separated from God!

Our perfect Messiah took our sin. He took our separation. He took our inevitable and deserved death. He took on Satan...and on Friday there was nothing that could be called "good."

But our Salvation story doesn't end on Friday. That dark day eventually came to the end. That night found His disciples huddled together in fear. His followers were beyond grieved...and probably couldn't even bring themselves to continue through Passover. I'm sure they felt that they couldn't celebrate the night that death "passed the Hebrew people over" in Egypt because they were so stricken by seeing death come to their friend, brother, son....Messiah. Friday was a dark day. As was Saturday too.

As Sunday dawned...they began to stir. Their brains and hearts that had been paralyzed with grief began to think of what they needed to ponder how they were going to go on without Him. Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to take care of Jesus' body. He had died just as the Sabbath was beginning, so all they had time to do was place him in a tomb.

As Sunday dawned...our eternal fate changed from darkness to light!
Mary found the tomb empty. He had risen! He faced Satan and sealed our Salvation! Friday was a dark, dark day...but Sunday brought glorious light!

On hard days...nowhere near as dark and hopeless as the Friday of Jesus' crucifixion, I cling to the fact that it may seem like Friday...but Sunday is coming! Glorious, Splendid and Miraculous Sunday! Hallelujah Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!

Guest Blog Post on Illustrated Faith

Click To Read Post

I also have a blog post on Illustrated Faith today! Go check it out...Shanna Noel asked me to share how journaling in my Bible has impacted my walk with the Lord. I loved writing this blog post - it shares just how personal our faith journey God uses our life experiences to draw us closer to Him and how through His death, burial and resurrection He made each of of His Heirs. I love talking about my Heavenly Father -- and I love sharing with my fellow heirs! Please jump over there for a short visit if you have time!

In Other News:

I have been working hard on finalizing the Workbook for all of the Illuminated Journaling Live Workshops that I will be teaching beginning this month. I will share a picture of it when I get it back from the printer! I just can't believe how quickly all of this has begun to come together.  If you would be interested in having me come lead an Illuminated Journaling Workshop in your church or area, please contact me, I would love to get to be with you!

Every Spring I hit the road for some SERIOUS business travel! I am blessed to love traveling and am definitely going to be taking advantage of the peace and quiet of the hotel rooms to get some in depth study time in my Bible. But - I got to thinking...I ought to check and see if any of you guys live near the places I am working and maybe we could do a meet up or a mini-workshop or at least a cup of coffee! I'm still working on a few dates, but here are the cities that I know of for sure!

Knoxville, TN - April 13-16
New Orleans, LA - April 20-22
Beaumont/Lumberton, Tx April 23-24
Anaheim, CA - May 3-8
Roanoke, VA - May 11-14
Indianapolis, IN - May 16-18
Orlando, FL - May 19 - 22

New Online Workshop:

My latest Illuminated Journaling Workshop: Words In The Word will cover lots of tips and techniques for adding a variety of lettering styles to your Bible Journal entries. We'll cover basic hand lettering, spicing up your handwriting, using stamps and stickers as well as imitating your favorite fonts. Learn how to make your Words pop and add impact to your entire page.

I hope you and your family are enjoying a wonderful Easter weekend! Blessings and Love,

Illuminated Journaling Supplies:


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