Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we remember!

My Dad served in Korea and rarely talked about his time there. I made him a mini-album that focused on all the things that were a part of his life before he was my Dad. I found three pictures of him while he was in the Army...and I was able to tell the story of how he got a try-out for a professional baseball team because he met some pro players in Korea. When he was discharged, he made the baseball team and went on to play several seasons. Who knew the road to the ball field went through Korea! 

When he saw the mini-album, he opened up and shared some stories about his time in Korea. I learned more in that afternoon than I had up until that was a treasured afternoon for sure.

I have often associated John 15:13 when I think about the people who have served in the U.S. Armed Services. I wanted to create something to honor them and ended up with this pair of boots...sometimes simple is better. 

I thought you might enjoy seeing an "in process" picture. I began by sketching the boots from a photo I found with a google search. Because I am so new to drawing, I work on an image in a sketch book until I like it. I then trace it as line art and add it into my Bible.

This pair of boots was done totally with Prismacolor pencils. I added a soft watercolor wash to the background - and added a few "wear spots" onto the boots to scuff them up a bit.

 I like how they ended up, but I also like how the boots looked on the page with no other color too. I'm going to try another monochromatic image sometime - I think the starkness of just the art and the paper will work well.

"Liberty will not descend to a people; a people must raise themselves to liberty; it is a blessing that must be earned before it can be enjoyed."
Charles Caleb Colton (1780-1832) British clergyman, sportsman and author.

Thank you to all the men and women who have served our is their service and sacrifice that have raised us to liberty! May we always remember the cost of the blessing of freedom!


  1. Your boots offer a hardworking yet simple tribute to the people that have served for our freedom. It is a very good page and I like the symbolism of the last picture you have shared. Thanks for posting this.

  2. Your post brought tears to my eyes. Like you my father was in the military for 29 years and never spoke of what he did. After he died I got his transcripts and learned to much from his commanders as they made comments. I found out my father worked hard to get his rank. He was instrumental in the removal of the military base in Turkey after the war, wrote Air Force training manuals and was the NCO in charge of Vandenberg minute man missiles. He gave his energy to see this country was free. He made it through the D-day invasion that many did not. I am proof of that.

    1. It sounds like your Dad played a huge role in giving us our freedoms! So glad that you were able to find out so much about your Dad's service...what a treasure! I'm glad he survived D-day and that insured your birth!

      Thanks for your encouragement!


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