Happy Thanksgiving...Happy Me

I can't upload pictures tonight for some reason...bad blogger...bad!

However, I can tell you that today was one of my favorite Thanksgivings -- EVER!

Royce and Weston came to Dallas with me to spend it with my family for the first time...and we had so very much fun. It was so delightful to watch Weston in the "big brother/cousin" role with my niece and nephew -- who clearly adored him. Weston -- who has never met a stranger -- took Tyler along to the park after lunch to find a pick-up football game. I did sneak over with my telephoto lens and capture a few moments...but you know how teenagers are -- you have to pick your moments to embarrass them -- so I resisted getting close for really great pictures for the trade 0ff of letting them have some good guy bonding time. Which was the only hard part of it all...Lindsey (8 yrs old and a bit "smitten" with Weston) really didn't understand why she wasn't invited to go play football with the guys. Fortunately, she was easily distracted with a new scrapbooking project that she and I worked on together. She is really creative with the way she uses the tools and items available to her. It kind of made me think outside the box...good creative input.

As always, it was great to spend time with my sister and her family -- but this was especially sweet to me to have my "boys" with me...I just kept having to pinch myself to see if it were really true...and sure enough -- it was, I have the bruises to prove it.

Perhaps the funniest moment of the day came when Robyn and I pulled out some old 8mm films of us from our childhood and let the kids see us "cutting a rug." Of course, the second time through, my nephew had to go find the right music that he supposed we were dancing to (since these were silent films) and that made it even funnier. All in all -- just a wonderful day. Hope yours was too.


  1. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Jan! Sounds like uber fun. So glad u all had a great turkey day! see u soon!


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