More than Fog in the Air

I loved this picture I snapped from the turn lane on a busy street in the early morning fog. I love that I am learning enough about my camera to be able to capture it.
My title refers to that old saying, "Change is in the air." First of all...I figured out how to change my blog! Woo Hoo! That is a huge step for me. This time last year, I had no idea what a woman my age would have to say on a there is one big change.
Secondly, I am making some changes in my career life as well. Not sure what all the answers are...but know that some changes are coming. As of November 1st, I began doing consulting -- and am working hard to make the house payment -- so we will see about what all that brings. But I have been doing some soul searching too...and reading a great book called Second Calling, by Dale Hanson Bourke. It is just addresses purpose and calling in the lives of those of us women that have hit the 40-ish mark. Men typically hit their "mid-life" crisis about this point -- and begin looking for "significance" rather than just "success" in their careers. For us gals -- we've been all about significance from the get-go -- so that isn't such a big deal for us. However, our lives do seem to hit a "change" both figuratively and physically somewhere around in there...and it can be a bit confusing. I certainly have found it so.
Most of my life has been spent using the gifts God gave me to help others achieve their dreams. I was a missionary for 20 years because I caught a vision of what Josh McDowell wanted to do to change the lives of young people in this country and in Russia/Eastern Europe. I worked hard to make that dream come true...and it was wonderful. The past four years, I have been working to help my honey, Royce, and his partners make their dream come true...using MediaShout software to help pastors, youth pastors and worship leaders change the way church happens so that we don't lose a generation of young people to the "world" rather than help them begin the most important relationship they will ever have -- their relationship with Christ.
I am thinking about what I want/need/or am called to do with the second half of my life. Is it more of the same? Perhaps. But perhaps not. Perhaps there is change in the air. I feel a bit of a breeze...and I am looking to God to provide me the answer.
In reading this book, Second Calling...I had to laugh. Dale points out that most of the bible studies done for women focus on Ruth or Esther -- or perhaps Mary from the New Testament. She makes a great point...these women were very Godly and worthy of being emulated -- but they were teenagers...perhaps we as 40-ish women might want to study about Godly women who were past the pimple stage. She suggests Naomi from the book of Ruth as a good place to start...a woman who was Godly -- had raised her children to adulthood...seen them married...and then had a SECOND that she hadn't forseen when she traveled with her husband to Moab.
Another point -- and I won't go on and on -- just wanted to pique your interest enough to get you to read the book -- but another point is that our group of women are the best educated, largest in number and healthiest group of ladies ever to hit their 40s and 50s. If all of us were to get on board with what God's "second calling" is for our lives how would it change the world as we know it today? I just had to stop and ponder that.
For those of you that are years away from this point in your life -- no worries...God has pleanty for you too...enjoy it...thrive in the hustle and bustle...use the energy that you have now as best you can. It takes all of us living in the moment, day by day to get the BIG PICTURE plan done.
Ok...enough rambling...just wanted to share some thoughts with you about where I am at the moment...because this is my story today.
I will be at an event/conference teaching for the next five days so my blogging may be a bit sporadic...but I will try and check in.
Love you guys...more than you probably know.


  1. First, way to go on changing your blog. I noticed it immediately. I'm getting ready to do a typepad blog for the Pastor I'm working for, I might need you to help me. I forgot how computer savvy you are. hehe

    Second, WHAT A SMOKIN' picture!!!! Dude!!! Incredible. I'm very envious because I so want to learn about my camera but my brain is almost impervious to learning. LOL I read the words but it goes nowhere.

    Third, I never thought about how Royce's business was really HIS deal and you kinda talked him into it and helped him along and what about YOUR dreams and calling? That's huge. I'm so glad you found that book and that you're being inspired to break out of your box. Remind me to tell you a great story about breaking out of your box. Maybe I'll e-mail it to you now.

    Love you! I guess you won't be there Saturday at the Super Crop, huh? Bummer!

  2. I that picture!
    Teach me..Teach me!!!
    Love ya & I miss seeing you.

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Jan, I love you.. U are so amazing and I share your thoughts and feelings. Thank you for the inspiration today. See u soon! Maybe Saturday... U cropping?? xoxo

  4. You are a blessing.

  5. OK, so I guess I can't say that I love you because everyone else already has! I can't be like everyone else, soooooo, Jann I honor you. I honor you and respect you for being so in touch with your feelings and for always soul searching. I honor and respect you for caring so much for those around you (and those far away as well). I applaud you for taking the initiative to go and find your next calling - not waiting and expecting it to fall in your lap. You don't take the easy road, and I love that about you. You are forging a path that will lead you right where you need to be - what an exciting, scary and exhilarating time in your life! And just like everyone else, I do love you!!

  6. Wow!

    I love the new look of your blog!
    The picture is way cool!
    Your faith blows me away.
    And God's just not done with you yet! I really like that idea about a Second Calling. It reminds me of what someone said to me when I was younger (I'll have to share that with you sometime.)

  7. wowzas jann . . . SUCH an awesome picture! :D


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