New Beginnings

are often accompanied by mixed feeling...and this week is certainly following that plan. This Thursday, I will step back in to the class room to teach undergraduate studens the Fundamentals of Speech...and maybe another class. Oh...I am not concerned about the is just that the environment has changed so much -- technology is the lynchpen for what goes on in the classroom. Their assisntments are not "handed in" -- they get uploaded to my :on-line classroom. Our discussion on the ethics of communication will not be held in the classroom...but in a chat room where opinions are not faced with the reaction of their leaset not face to face. I am not saying all of this is is just there is so much that I must adjust to -- in addition to preparin for the parts that I am respoinsible for. I know I will get it done...and I am exceited about gettingit done. I love new beginnings. I love new challenge....teaching at Cumberland promises to be both.

In other news, I have started an Etsy shop for some of the homemade items I have been journals in particular -- but also chrochetted flowers and the burned organza flowers. I like the Etsy environment better than Ebay because the only people on there2 are folks who make, buy or sell, handmade projects; It is a good resource for some unique items if you are a scrapbooker..and if you make something that you would like to sell, you have test the waters before you go full force with it. Any is fun...come check my shopt out...and then explore all the other lovely options available to you.


  1. jann! missed you tonight . . . but heard abt your cool news . . . congrats! so awesome . . . :D

  2. I think the greatest loss should be felt by your students who won't get the joy of working with you face to face! You are such a calm and inspirational force to be around. So glad I don't just have to "log in" to get my Jann fix.

  3. LOVE the journal! Wow!
    Good luck - I know you will be an amazing teacher and you will catch on to all of the computer stuff in no time!


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