Photoshoot in 104 degrees

Ok...Nashville isn't supposed to be this hot still! I moved here from Dallas where -- sure we expected it to be over 100 degrees all through August -- but not here in Nashville. Nothing like doing a photo shoot for someone's engagement pictures and having them (and me) dripping with sweat...oooooooooooo so romantic! ha! they still managed to generate a little heat on their own...ahhhh young love!


  1. how sweet & romantic!

  2. Gorgeous! Can you make Greg and me look this good (without altering the entire picture)? I think it's time for a we've been married 13 years photoshoot. What do you think? You or Dana up to the challenge?

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Love these engagement shots! I wish Eric and I had done a shoot like this when we got engaged oh so long ago. I didn't realize you were starting a photog business; if these shots are any indication of your talent, I think you'll be quite busy.


  4. love the pictures!
    who is the beautiful couple?

  5. Great, sweet pictures!

  6. LOVE these pictures - you have a great eye...congrats to the couple!


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