Finished My Mini Album

YEAH! I have been working on a little mini-album for the mother of the boy that traveled with us to Hawaii. She and his Dad were glad to let him go -- but I know it was hard as a mom to let him go experience all those new things and not be there to see I put together a little album so she could keep some of those memories for herself. I am working on a bigger one for this helped me work out some of my ideas -- only in smaller form.

I added this little "mini-book inside a mini-book" thingy on the last page. The boys fixated on getting a coconut out of a tree...and it took all their mental and physical capacities to get it down...and of course, they had to drink the "milk." yeeeeeeech! Boys!


  1. So cool. Are you going to scan it in?

  2. am trying...but blogger is being weird....grrrrrrr!

  3. Hey just 2 minutes ago they weren't there. I pushed the BACK button on my computer and it caught my eye. How funny. It looks nice I wish I could enlarge them to see them better.

  4. LOVE IT!!!!
    Wish I could see it in person!
    I know his parents will love it.

  5. Too cool!!!! I can't wait to hear what the Mom said when you gave it to her. Let us know!


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