Cold...very cold

I can't remember being this cold since my time in Russia -- specifically Siberia!
It has been so mild for the whole winter and now it is like the weather is trying to make up for it! No snow -- but sub-zero temperatures none the less. Don't get me wrong...I love cold weather -- otherwise I wouldn't have survived in Russian weather...but it just kind of caught me by surprise. Also kind of reminded me of my time there -- and to be thankful for all the opportunities I have had in my life.
I love the picture of this horse sled -- which is called a Troika, in Russian -- three horse sled...different from our normal two horse sleigh. In the winter, villagers get around this way much easier than with you see them everywhere. Good memories.
What are your favorite memories of winter?


  1. Jann..go to my blog to see "My favorite winter memory".

  2. Aw, Jan. Sweet memories.
    Mine would have to be sledding down our drive way in PA once it had frozen over and a lot of snow had piled up b/c it was a huge slope! Great times! Bout the age of 5-7. So fun! In the summer we would roller skate down the driveway into the BIG yard at the bottom of the hill! So great! xoxo

  3. brrrrrrrrrrr . . . snow days of course! :D

  4. Anonymous2:52 AM

    That would be the time when I was in school and I had to go out the back door to get out to go and wait at the bus stop because there was a drift in front of the front door to the top of the door! Then I had to wait at the bus stop till the bus got there. Wonder if we're creating wimps by closing schools at the THREAT of snow...which most of the time never materializes! Ha! I love snow and going out to play in it! Now I love being able to watch my kids play in it whilst I shoot some photos! Hope that's real soon!

  5. Not so fun for the adults, but when I was little (7 or 8 years old) there was a HUGE snowstorm in MA, where I lived at the time. My older brothers and sisters would jump from the 2nd story deck of the house into the snow. We made huge tunnels and igloos. The snow was well over my head. And we would ride our sleds in our back yard.

  6. LOVE the snow and I am so hoping that we get some tonight!!! I will wake the kids in the middle of the night if I have to! My favorite memories...sledding down Dead Man's Drop at Baker's Lake, jumping off of the roof into the snow after a blizzard, MOON BOOTS(!!!!!!), cross country skiing (and later in life downhill skiing), the beautiful trees right after it snows :)


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