Last week, Ali Edwards challenged folks to choose "one little word" to be the word that would challenge them, drive them, encourage them or represent them for this year -- 2007.
I loved the process. I had done similar things in the past when trying to set goals for various projects I had going on in my professional marketing life...finding if I could narrow the essence of the project down to one or two words that it would reveal what the REAL goal was or the end result we were trying to achieve. Funny how we are willing to use wonderful tools like this in our professional lives -- because they are so effective -- but we forget to apply them to our personal lives -- where we have as great a need to know where we are going and more importantly how we want to get there! (you know I believe it is the JOURNEY that is important, as much if not more so than the destination itself.)
Anyway...my word for this year is WIFE. After 45 years of being a single gal, my best friend and the man of my heart has asked me to be his wife. The prospects are enough to make me feel more than a little light-headed. We both have major career stuff going on...we both have homes...family that needs our attention -- not to mention a wedding to plan and our lives to merge. I was tempted to pick a verb...some sort of action -- after all this was going to be a year of MANY actions. But the more I thought about it -- the more I realized that wasn't really where my heart was tugging me for the word to represent this year. It wasn't an action verb...it was a description of a TRANSFORMATION I want to see happen in my life. A chrysalis if you would -- not that I think I was an ugly catapillar finally turning into a butterfly (those of you that know me know that being single was a "good thing" in my life not something to try and avoid). I am changing -- with God's help -- into being a lifelong companion...committed to the good and the bad...the challenges and the triumphs...a helper and the one being helped.
A wedding doesn't make this change. Moving in together would not make this change happen. It is a change of mindset...from defining myself as "just me" to defining myself as part of "us." Now that is a challenge worth spending a year (or more) on. So for this year...my word is WIFE. Expect to see several layouts as I explore this transformation.
Thanks for being my dear friends. Good change takes help...and I know I have a wonderful group of people to assist me with the process.
What is YOUR "one little word for the year?


  1. Let's change it to just..{Focus:
    Yes, I like that better!

  2. Hmm...great challenge. I think my word might be "process." I am definitely in the process of becoming who God wants me to be right now. So imperfect, yet trying harder than ever before.

    I think you will be a great wife. You are very giving. I hope it happens soon so you can begin your new life.

  3. love those words...

  4. Congratulations on the engagement. Such a joy spending time with you...sad that it wasn't more. But, that can be remedied!


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