Creative Play: What If

One of the best ways I have learned to get over the paralysis of perfection is to ask "What If...?" The key to it working is to just let your natural curiosity come out to play. The purpose for asking the question is not a perfect is knowledge....finding out what happens IF you try something.

To begin with try asking one of these questions:

1. What would happen if I used watercolors on different types of paper?
2. What happens if I tear an edge on my paper by hand, with a straight ruler or a deckle edge ruler?
3. What would happen if I put this kind of ink on acrylic paint?
4. What happens if I mix this color with that color?

You just turn your desk into a Creative Learning Lab. And later, you can start asking more complicated "What If " questions... just by following your natural curiosity.

As you will see in this video, I started with a simple comparison question. I am new to working with Distress Stains, so I began with a simple question "What if I put the same stain on different types of paper?" Once I did that, my curiosity took over...what happens if I add water? What happens if I add Perfect Pearls, What if I tried to use them for watercoloring a stamped image? (trust me...the questions were flowing longer than I could keep the camera turned on).

So now it is your turn. Remember...NO FEAR! You don't have to use Distress Stains...that was just what I wanted to play the "What If" game with - because they are a new product to me.

Here's your challenge:
A. Pick something that YOU are curious about...and just go and PLAY!
B. Keep playing and trying new things as they occur to you.
C. When you have finished take a look and see which of the things you created should go on your refrigerator. It is ok if you want to stamp it, cut it or add it to something else...these are just building blocks...but be sure and find something to go put on your refrigerator because it will act as your reminder that YOU ARE AN ARTIST!
D. Share it with us. We are all learners here - and I can't wait to see what new adventures YOUR curiosity inspires in those of us that are on this art journey together. If you can - create a video and share it with us as a video response to this video on YouTube. If you have a blog, create a post and give us the link down here in Mr. Linky. Or just take pictures and post them on Flickr...and give us a link down below. The point is - we want to encourage each other on our creative journey.

Most of all...HAVE FUN! I have to tell you that even though I am spending most of my time in bed recovering from pneumonia...I am SO EXCITED to see what you create. Be sure and click on the links of the others who have posted - we could all use some encouragement as we seek to become FEARLESS ARTISTS!


  1. I just watched your video on YT. Very inspirational. I was actually playing with some new stamps when I came across your video. I'd love to see more about Perfect Pearls. I recently purchased a few of the color sets and have done very little with them so far. I'd like to know more about them and maybe get some inspiration so I can get them out and play for a while. I'm still in the infancy stage of becoming a fearless artist. lol Thanks for doing this series!

  2. Love your work Jann and your videos!! Ijust purchased some distressed stains when I saw this - and now I think I will play;-) Looking forward to your next video;-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Girlfriend, your challenge to freely play while not expecting perfection is the best thing you can offer to anyone - me included!!!

    You have inspired many, and you continue to do so. I'm looking forward to more of your videos. Mostly I'm looking forward to hearing that the pneumonia has FINALLY "left the building" :-)

    Love you my friend - Leslie


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