Back on Track

Oh yeah...I got to go back to work today! Probably more importantly, I am feeling much better. Guess there really is something to this "bed-rest" thing after all. *smile*

I did come home after a meeting I had out of the office -- so it was technically a "short" day -- but I still feel like I got some things accomplished at work non-the-less.

When I got home, I finished the altered journal that I have been working on for my friend's daughter who is going on two school trips in a week. Her Mom wanted her to have a fun journal to keep track of everything in -- so we put this together. Thought I would let you see the cover and one of my favorite pages.

Hope everyone is doing well...




  1. Glad you're feeling better! I absolutely love this journal! I think it is so clever of you to think of altering the inside pages.

  2. I love the book!
    I know she will have fun filling it with her memories.
    Great to see you yesterday.
    Can't wait to see you on Saturday.
    Remember NO cheerleading!


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