Loving Carol

What shows did you love to watch when you were younger? Of course, like most kids, I loved to watch TV -- but if I had to narrow it down my list was definitely filled with funny women: Carol Burnett, Lucille Ball, and Doris Day. I had saved this copy of the Saturday Evening Post from 1976 -- (yes, I realize MANY of you weren't even BORN then, much less starting to SAVE things) with Carol Burnett on the cover. Hadn't really known what I would do with it -- just wanted to keep it.

Then a few days ago, there was a challenge on Scrap In Style tv -- that was to use something for your background other than patterned paper or cardstock. There are LOTS of great responses...ranging from clear hambly layouts -- to glass. I loved the creative things people came up with. This was my response to the challenge. I took the whole magazine -- mod podged the first eight pages together (leaving the article about Carol intact) and then used a picture of me from the year the magazine was from (yes -- I also know that it will surprise you that I wasn't a TODDLER in 1976 -- get over it! *smile*). Now I have a treasured document...and am thinking about using some of the other pages in the magazine to document other things going on in 1976 -- since that was our Bi-centennial. Just an idea...or maybe put other pages in about things I loved as a teenager -- or tv shows that influenced me....who knows....once you start thinking outside the box the world gets VERY large!

Have a great week friends....


  1. Very cool! My dad (from Oregon) sent me a copy of The Saturday Evening Post from 1972 (he found at a yard sale or something)..the year I was born..I thought it was a great gift!

  2. I just love this page! How fun to use the magazine as your background!



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