
Here is one of DT layouts I did for Scrap It! Have I mentioned how much I enjoy being in the store....hanging out at the store....cropping at the and the store -- and most importantly -- Ann and Bill from the store? I do. While I was home for Thanksgiving -- I think I went through withdrawal. I couldn't wait to get back and here the door "ding" as I walked through it -- and see Annie behind the counter...although when I actually did walk through the door she was back at a table scrapbooking. It just felt like home. That is a good thing.
At MY home it is "organization city." I realized that I have been working on projects for both work and scrapping with such a flurry of activity -- that nothing has been put back in its place...and while that was going on -- I also accumulated some stuff that doesn't actually HAVE A PLACE. Sooooo...I am rearranging, sorting, culling, and organizing it all so that I can enjoy the process once again of CREATING! Of course, I continue to take LOTS of pictures so that when I do get back to that creative place I will have many options of things to scrap.
Hope your lives are organized as we move into this holiday season. This is my favorite time of year...and I have decided to make my life as simple as possible -- and spend more of the time that I have spent hustling around to just sit quietly with a few friends and enjoy THEM. That is my wish for this holiday season...that rather than things...or decorations (which many of you will find quite alarming since you know my propensity to TOTALLY redo my house for Christmas) --I am only putting out one manger scene -- I am going to take a deep breath and focus on my friends, family and a little more peace. (However, I am making no promises that I will not be blaring Christmas music in the my house...or singing it as I take my walk -- it is just to much to ask to give that up.)
I love each of you...and wish you a blessed Christmas Season. I am so grateful that our Saviour was willing to become like us -- and come to this earth as a little baby...for the sole purpose of bringing us an opportunity for salvation. *whew* Makes me want to burst out into "o Come Let Us Adore Him!" Perhaps I will just hum that to myself. *smile* Love you....have a great day.


  1. Anonymous3:39 PM

    So love ur digi lo and ur other one on today's post. Love ur work Jannie! I also love Scrap It so much. I love seeing Dad and Mom doing what they love and being together while doing it. I know that means so much to them. Well u must read my blog... stitches and bronchitis. Sad day... Love u!

  2. LOVE this! So beautiful ... and your blogging is so beautiful as well! You are so very talented!

  3. FABulous lo jann! glad you're back . . . :D

  4. Wowsa!!! That is one beautiful page! I can't wait to see it in person. Your photography is incredible.

    You have really updated your blog since I checked. It got away from me. LOL I'm trying to understand your need for digital. Not there yet, but trying. hehe

    I can't believe you're not putting up your tree(s). Wow! That's showing some restraint. We need to get together and do something "Christmasey." I feel like I don't get to spend enough time with you.

    FYI - Your kit is at the store, I e-mailed you the instructions. Don't worry about the $5, I had it left and I'm happy to give it to ya!

    See ya tomorrow night!

  5. This post makes me smile! What a great way to start my day! I love the layout it is so inspiring!

  6. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Hey there- Where are you?


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